Burglundtown Activity Book
The Burglundtown Activity Book serves as an informational, fun, and educational resource about the Historic Burglundtown neighborhood located in McComb, Mississippi. Engaging activities supported by historical narratives combine to provide great exercises that provide insight into this neighborhood's historic gems.
I Live On A Street Named St. Augustine (Summary)
What can you find in your neighborhood that will bring inspiration and a new outlook on possibilities? Join the Garden Kids as they discover historic landmarks and iconic legacies within a few blocks of their residence. Take a journey to explore just a few blocks in the Burglund community and learn new ways to reimagine the neighborhood. A fresh coat of paint, planting, nurturing, harvesting vegetables, or fun with sidewalk chalk. St. Augustine becomes the launchpad for the imagination of youth and adults alike—a place where cornerstones of the community are change agents of growth.